How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace

How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace

Navigating through lengthy content on a website can sometimes be daunting for your readers. That’s where anchor links come in handy. If you’re using Squarespace, you may be wondering how to leverage this feature. Today, we’ll walk through the process of How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace, from understanding their utility to the actual implementation.

What are Anchor Links, Anyway?

Anchor links, also known as “jump links,” are like secret passageways on your website. Instead of leading users to a different page, they whisk them away to a specific section on the same page. Imagine giving your readers a VIP ticket to their desired content section without the hassle!

Why Anchor Links Are Your Website’s Best Friend

Imagine you’ve crafted a masterpiece of content – a guide, perhaps, with different chapters or sections. Now, imagine your readers are in a hurry and don’t have the time to scroll through the whole thing. Anchor links are the key to unlocking precisely the information they’re searching for. But wait, there’s more:

  • Visual Appeal: Anchor links can add a touch of elegance to your website’s navigation, making it look sleek and professional.
  • Showcasing Highlights: Got a killer quote or an eye-catching image deep within your page? With anchor links, you can highlight these gems and let users dive right into the treasure trove.
  • A Stroke of SEO Genius: While primarily designed for improving user experience, anchor links can also provide a tiny boost to your SEO efforts. Search engines love well-structured content, and anchor links contribute to that!

How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace 7.0 & 7.1

Step 1: Open your Page with Squarespace Editor

  • Log in to your Squarespace account.
  • Choose the specific page where you want to add anchor links.
  • Click on ‘Edit‘ to open the page in the Squarespace Editor. How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace

Step 2: Adding a Code Block to the Targeted section

  • Navigate to the section of your content where you want the anchor link to point.
  • Add a new block and select ‘Code‘ from the block menu.How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace

Step 3: Adding anchor ID to Code Block

  • In the code block, type
    <div id="TypesectionIDhere"></div>

    Replace typesectionidhere with a unique name for your anchor link. How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace

  • Ensure the code type is set to ‘HTML’ and then click ‘Apply‘.

Step 4: Creating Anchor Link

  • Go to the part of the page where you want to insert the clickable link.
  • Highlight the text or element and click on the link icon.
    How to Add Anchor Links in SquarespaceIn the URL field, type the name you set in the previous step with #. How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace

Step 5: Creating Smooth Scroll

  • For a smoother scrolling experience, you’ll need to integrate some custom CSS.
  • Go to Design > Custom CSS.
  • Add the following code:
    html {
      scroll-behavior: smooth;

    How to Add Anchor Links in SquarespaceHow to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace

  • Click ‘Save‘ to apply the changes.

Adding Anchor Links to Button and Images

To add an anchor link to a button:

  1. Edit the button and in the URL field, type #your-anchor-name.
  2. For images, edit the image, click on the link icon, and do the same.

Add Anchor Links to Different Pages in Squarespace

If you want the anchor link to redirect to a section of another page:

  1. Set your link as /page-url#your-anchor-name, replacing page-url with the URL of your target page.

Tips to use Anchor Links Effectively

Names that Shine Bright: When naming your anchor IDs, think catchy yet descriptive. Your readers should know what to expect when they click the link.

Trial and Triumph: Test, test, and test again. There’s no greater frustration for a reader than a link that leads to nowhere. Make sure your anchor links perform their teleportation act flawlessly.

Precise Placement: Put your anchor links where they count. Intuitive placement ensures that users don’t miss your well-crafted teleportation options.

Troubleshooting How to Add Anchor Links in Squarespace

  • Link Not Working: Ensure you’ve spelled the anchor name correctly in both the code block and hyperlink.
  • No Smooth Scroll: Check your CSS code for errors. Ensure that no other script or plugin interferes with the scroll-behavior.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can make your Squarespace website more user-friendly and provide a seamless experience for your visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1: What exactly are anchor links?

Anchor links, often called jump links, are hyperlinks that transport users to a specific section within the same web page. Instead of redirecting users to a new page, these links create a seamless scrolling experience within the page itself.

Q2: Can I use anchor links to enhance user experience on my Squarespace site?

Absolutely! Anchor links are a fantastic tool to improve user experience. They allow you to guide users directly to relevant content sections, making navigation effortless, especially on longer pages.

Q3: How can anchor links benefit my website?

Anchor links bring several benefits:

  • Smooth Navigation: Users can easily jump to sections of interest.
  • Content Highlighting: Important content can be showcased effectively.
  • Reduced Scrolling: Lengthy pages become more manageable.
  • SEO Boost: Well-structured content can slightly enhance SEO.

Q4: What’s the process for adding anchor links in Squarespace?

The process involves several steps:

  1. Open the desired page in Squarespace Editor.
  2. Add a “Code” block to the targeted section.
  3. Insert an anchor ID in the code block.
  4. Create a clickable anchor link elsewhere on the page.
  5. Enable smooth scrolling for a polished user experience.

Q5: Can I add anchor links to images and buttons?

Absolutely! You can add anchor links to images and buttons. For buttons, simply edit the button and input the anchor link’s URL. For images, edit the image, click on the link icon, and insert the anchor link.

Q6: Can I use anchor links to connect sections on different pages?

While anchor links are typically used to navigate within the same page, you can create links to specific sections on different pages. Simply structure your link as /page-url#your-anchor-name, replacing “page-url” with the target page’s URL.

Q7: Any pro tips for effectively using anchor links?

Certainly! Here are some tips:

  • Descriptive IDs: Use unique and descriptive IDs for your anchor links.
  • Testing: Regularly test your anchor links to ensure they’re working correctly.
  • Strategic Placement: Position your anchor links where they make sense to users.

Q8: What if my anchor links aren’t working as intended?

If your anchor links misbehave, troubleshoot by:

  • Checking Spelling: Verify that your anchor IDs and link URLs are spelled correctly.
  • Smooth Scroll Snag: If smooth scrolling isn’t working, revisit your CSS code for errors or conflicts.

Q9: Are anchor links suitable for mobile devices?

Absolutely! Anchor links work seamlessly on mobile devices, enhancing user experience across various platforms.

Q10: Do anchor links impact my website’s loading speed?

Generally, anchor links have minimal impact on loading speed. They’re lightweight and only affect scrolling behavior, not the loading of entire new pages.

Q11: Can I use anchor links in Squarespace 7.1 as well as 7.0?

Yes, the process for adding anchor links is similar in both Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1. However, be sure to consult the specific instructions for the version you’re using.

Q12: Are anchor links suitable for all types of websites?

Absolutely! Whether you’re running a blog, a portfolio site, an online store, or any other type of website, anchor links can enhance navigation and user experience.