How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading

How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading

One of the most frustrating issues you can encounter when managing a WordPress site is finding that your Media Library won’t load. This can be particularly problematic because the Media Library is integral to content management, allowing you to easily upload, organize, and deploy media files like images and videos. “How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading” is a question that plagues many administrators, and it’s no surprise why: the Media Library is central to the user experience for both administrators and visitors alike.

In this comprehensive guide, we aim to provide an in-depth look at this issue, exploring various solutions that will help you get your Media Library back up and running smoothly.

Navigating this problem can be challenging, especially if you’re not sure where to start. Given the myriad of potential culprits—from browser cache, plugins, and themes, to more technical aspects like server settings—solving the issue may require a multi-faceted approach. Each solution will be discussed in detail to help you understand not just how, but also why each step might resolve the problem. So, let’s dive in and figure out how to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading issues that you may be experiencing.

Why is Your WordPress Media Library Not Loading?

The WordPress Media Library serves as a central repository for all the media files you’ve uploaded to your site, from images and videos to audio clips and more. When it’s not loading, it can be a significant concern, especially if you rely on it for content creation and management. Several factors might be causing the Media Library not to load. Let’s delve into some of the most common reasons:

  1. Browser Issues: Sometimes, the problem isn’t with WordPress but with the browser you’re using. Cached data or cookies might be corrupt or outdated, leading to loading issues.
  2. Plugin Conflicts: WordPress is known for its vast ecosystem of plugins. While these plugins can enhance your site’s functionality, they can also interfere with each other or core WordPress functions. A recently installed or updated plugin might be causing a conflict that affects the Media Library.
  3. Theme Conflicts: Just like plugins, the theme you’re using can sometimes have code that conflicts with the Media Library, especially if the theme hasn’t been updated or is not compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
  4. Server Limitations: WordPress runs on a server, and sometimes server-side limitations, such as reaching the PHP memory limit or execution time limit, can disrupt certain functionalities, including the Media Library.
  5. File Permission Issues: For the Media Library to function correctly, WordPress needs specific file and folder permissions on the server. If these permissions are set incorrectly, it can prevent the Media Library from loading.
  6. Corrupt .htaccess File: The .htaccess file is a configuration file for use on web servers. If it becomes corrupted or is misconfigured, it can lead to various issues, including problems with the Media Library.
  7. Outdated WordPress Version: Running an older version of WordPress can result in incompatibilities and conflicts, especially if plugins and themes are updated to be compatible with newer versions of WordPress.
  8. Content Delivery Network (CDN) Issues: If you’re using a CDN to serve your media, there might be issues or conflicts between the CDN and WordPress, leading to the Media Library not displaying correctly.
  9. Unsupported File Formats: If you’re trying to upload a file format that WordPress doesn’t support, it might appear as though the Media Library isn’t loading or functioning correctly.

Understanding the root cause is the first step in addressing the issue. By systematically checking each of these potential culprits, you can identify the problem and take steps to rectify it, ensuring your Media Library is functioning optimally.

How to fix WordPress Media Library not loading

Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Over time, your browser stores data to load websites faster. Sometimes, this data may become corrupt or outdated, causing issues like a non-loading Media Library.

  1. Google Chrome: Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear Browsing Data. How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading
  2. Firefox: Go to Options > Privacy & Security > Clear Data.
  3. Safari: Go to Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data > Remove All.

After clearing the cache, reload your website to see if the issue persists.

Revert Any Recent Changes

Recent changes could introduce conflicts or bugs, causing the Media Library to not load properly.

Undo any recent changes that might have caused the issue. This includes recently installed plugins, themes, or custom code. Try reloading the Media Library to see if it resolves the issue.

Check for Plugin or Theme Conflicts

Plugins often have conflicting code or bugs that can disrupt site functionality.

Deactivate Plugins:

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  3. Select all plugins and choose “Deactivate” from the bulk actions dropdown. How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading

Activate Plugins One by One:

  1. Reactivate each plugin one at a time.
  2. Check the Media Library after each activation.
  3. If the Media Library fails to load after a particular activation, you’ve found the culprit.

Switch to a Default Theme:

  1. Go to Appearance > Themes.
  2. Activate one of the default WordPress themes like Twenty Twenty-One.
  3. Check if the Media Library is working. How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading

Check for Updates:

Make sure all your plugins, themes, and WordPress core are up-to-date. Update them if necessary.

How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading

Update Your WordPress Version

Newer versions of WordPress come with bug fixes and improved compatibility.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Updates.
  2. Click the “Update Now” button if an update is available. How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading

Increase PHP Memory Limit

Insufficient PHP memory can cause parts of your website to not function properly.

  1. Access your Website Files: You’ll need to access your website files using either an FTP client or a file manager provided by your hosting provider. Look for the root directory of your WordPress installation. How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading
  2. Locate wp-config.php: In the root directory, you’ll find a file named wp-config.php. This file contains various settings for your WordPress site, including the PHP memory limit. How to fix WordPress Media Library not LoadingHow to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading
  3. Backup the File: Before making any changes, it’s a good practice to create a backup of the wp-config.php file. This ensures you can revert back if something goes wrong.
  4. Edit wp-config.php: Open the wp-config.php file using a text editor (like Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for macOS). Add the following line:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

You can replace '256M' with the desired memory limit. Common values include '128M', '256M', or even '512M'.

Save Changes: Save the file after adding the line. Make sure you don’t introduce any syntax errors while editing.

Check the Result: After saving the changes, check if the new memory limit is applied. You can do this by logging into your WordPress admin panel, navigating to “Tools” > “Site Health” > “Info”, and looking for the “Server” section. Here, you should see the new memory limit value.

Disable mod_security in .htaccess

To disable mod_security in your WordPress site using the .htaccess file, you can follow these steps:

  1. Accessing the .htaccess File: Connect to your website’s server using an FTP client or through your hosting control panel. Navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation, where you’ll find the .htaccess file.
  2. Backing Up Your .htaccess File: Before making any changes, it’s recommended to create a backup of your existing .htaccess file. This will ensure you can easily revert any changes if needed.
  3. Editing the .htaccess File: Open the .htaccess file using a text editor. You can use any plain text editor, such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or a code editor like Visual Studio Code. How to fix WordPress Media Library not Loading

Disabling mod_security: To disable it, you can add the following lines of code to your .htaccess file:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
   SecFilterEngine Off
   SecFilterScanPOST Off
  1. Place these lines at the beginning of your .htaccess file, just below the RewriteEngine On line if it’s present.
  2. Save and Upload: After making the changes, save the .htaccess file. If you were editing it locally, upload the modified file back to your website’s root directory using your FTP client.
  3. Clear Browser Cache: Clear your browser’s cache and cookies or open your site in a private/incognito window to ensure that the changes take effect.

It’s important to note that while disabling mod_security might be necessary in some cases, it can also impact the security of your website. mod_security is a web application firewall that helps protect your site from various types of attacks. Disabling it could potentially expose your site to security vulnerabilities.

Additional Reading:

How to Change Out of Stock Text in WooCommerce

How to Download Entire WordPress Media Library

If you’re facing issues with mod_security triggering false positives or interfering with the normal operation of your WordPress site, it’s recommended to work with your hosting provider’s support team or a professional developer to find a more targeted solution that maintains a balance between security and functionality.

Check Your File Formats

Checking file formats is essential because WordPress’s media library requires supported formats for proper display and functionality. Unsupported formats can cause issues like the media library not loading, image display problems, and potential security risks. Make sure you’re uploading supported file types like JPEG, PNG, and GIF for images, and MP4 for videos.


A malfunctioning Media Library can disrupt your workflow and limit your ability to effectively manage your WordPress site. However, by systematically checking each of these potential issues, you should be able to identify and fix the problem, getting your Media Library back in working order.

FAQs: Fixing WordPress Media Library Not Loading

Why is my WordPress Media Library not loading?

There can be various reasons behind this issue, such as browser cache problems, plugin or theme conflicts, server limitations, outdated WordPress versions, file permission issues, and more. Each of these factors can contribute to the Media Library not loading as expected.

What should I do if the Media Library stopped loading after I installed a new plugin?

If the Media Library stopped loading after installing a new plugin, try deactivating the recently installed plugin. If the issue is resolved, that plugin might be causing a conflict. You can then seek alternative plugins or reach out to the plugin’s support for assistance.

Can a slow server cause the Media Library not to load?

Yes, a slow server or one with resource limitations can impact the loading of the Media Library. Ensure your hosting plan meets the requirements for your website’s needs. Additionally, check if other aspects of your website are also affected by slow performance.

What’s the significance of file permissions in relation to the Media Library?

Proper file permissions are essential for the Media Library to function correctly. Incorrect permissions can prevent the server from accessing and displaying media files. Adjusting file permissions using FTP can often resolve this issue.

Why should I consider disabling a CDN temporarily?

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) cache and serve content, including media files. Temporarily disabling the CDN helps you check if the issue lies with the cached content. If the Media Library loads after disabling the CDN, you can troubleshoot CDN settings or contact your CDN provider for assistance.

Why is updating WordPress important for fixing this issue?

Updating WordPress to the latest version ensures you have the latest bug fixes, security enhancements, and compatibility improvements. An outdated version can lead to conflicts with plugins, themes, and overall site functionality, including the Media Library.

What should I do if none of these solutions work?

If you’ve exhausted these solutions and your Media Library still isn’t loading, consider seeking professional help. WordPress forums, community groups, or hiring a developer can provide more advanced troubleshooting and tailored solutions to your specific situation.