Wix vs WordPress | A Comprehensive Comparison

Both WordPress and Wix are popular platforms for creating websites, each with its strengths and weaknesses. In this detailed Wix vs WordPress comparison, we’ll explore various aspects of both platforms to help you make an informed decision. Wix and WordPress are both popular website builders, but they cater to different audiences. Wix is known for its ease of use and is great for beginners or those who want a simple, hassle-free website. On the other hand, WordPress is more flexible and customizable, making it ideal for users who need more control over their site’s design and functionality.

Wix vs WordPress

1. Pricing

When it comes to pricing, Wix offers a range of plans, including a free option with basic features and display ads.  WordPress, on the other hand, is free to use, but you’ll need to pay for hosting.

Wix vs WordPress

  • Wix: Offers a range of pricing plans, including a free plan with basic features and display ads, and premium plans starting at $14 per month. The Business VIP plan, priced at $59 per month, offers advanced features and removes ads.
  • WordPress: WordPress.org is free to use, but you’ll need to pay for hosting, which can range from $3 to $25 per month for shared hosting, depending on the provider and plan. Additionally, you may need to purchase a domain name, which typically costs around $10 to $15 per year.
Feature Wix WordPress.org
Cost Model All-in-one – Website builder, hosting, domain (on paid plans) Open-source software – Requires separate hosting, domain, and potentially themes/plugins
Free Plan Yes (limited features, Wix branding, ads) No
Paid Plans 4 tiers: Combo ($16/month), Pro ($27/month), Business ($32/month), Business VIP ($59/month) Varies depending on hosting provider + themes/plugins (starting around $3/month for hosting)
E-commerce Features Basic included on Business plan advanced on Business VIP plan Requires plugins (free and paid available)
Custom Domain Requires paid plan Requires separate domain purchase
Ease of Use Drag-and-drop interface, beginner-friendly More complex, and requires some technical knowledge
Scalability Limited customization on higher plans Highly customizable and scalable
SEO Friendliness Built-in SEO tools Requires SEO plugins and customization
Security Wix handles security Requires security plugins and maintenance

2. Ease of Use

  • Wix: Known for its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop editor, making it easy for beginners to create a website without any coding knowledge. Wix vs WordPress
  • WordPress: While WordPress is user-friendly, especially with the new Gutenberg editor, it may have a steeper learning curve compared to Wix, particularly when it comes to customization and advanced features.

3. Customization

When it comes to customization, WordPress is the clear winner. Wix, while offering some customization options, is more limited in terms of flexibility compared to WordPress.

  • Wix: Offers a wide range of templates and design options, but customization is limited compared to WordPress. The platform’s drag-and-drop editor allows for easy customization of layouts and elements.
  • WordPress: Known for its flexibility and customization options, with thousands of themes and plugins available to enhance the functionality of your website. WordPress allows for deep customization through custom coding (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

4. Blogging

Both Wix and WordPress offer a variety of themes and templates to choose from.

  • Wix: Includes built-in blogging features, allowing you to create and manage a blog on your Wix website. While functional, it may not offer the same level of advanced blogging features as WordPress.Wix vs WordPress
  • WordPress: Initially designed as a blogging platform, WordPress offers powerful blogging features, including customizable categories and tags, scheduling posts, and integration with social media platforms.

5. E-Commerce

Plugins and apps can enhance the functionality of your website, and both Wix and WordPress offer a variety of options.

  • Wix: Provides an integrated e-commerce platform that allows you to create an online store with features such as product listings, shopping carts, and payment gateways. While suitable for small to medium-sized stores, it may lack some advanced e-commerce features compared to WordPress.
  • WordPress: Offers robust e-commerce solutions, such as WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, which provide extensive features for creating and managing online stores. WordPress’s flexibility allows for highly customized e-commerce websites.

6. SEO and Marketing

WordPress is often preferred by digital marketers due to its powerful SEO capabilities.

  • Wix: Provides basic SEO features, such as customizable page titles and descriptions, but may not offer as many advanced SEO options as WordPress. Wix also offers integrations with Google Analytics and other marketing tools.Wix vs WordPress
  • WordPress: Known for its SEO capabilities, with plugins like Yoast SEO that help optimize your website for search engines. WordPress also offers a wide range of marketing plugins and integrations for email marketing, social media, and analytics.

Which factors you should consider before choosing?

  1. Budget: Wix offers an all-in-one package, while WordPress.org requires separate hosting expenses. For those on a tight budget, the initial cost of Wix might seem more appealing, but long-term costs can vary.
  2. Technical Skills: Wix’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible to beginners, whereas WordPress.org demands a bit more technical know-how. If you’re not tech-savvy, Wix might be the easier option.
  3. Website Needs: Wix suits simpler websites, while WordPress.org accommodates a wide range of needs, from basic blogs to intricate e-commerce sites.
  4. Customization: WordPress.org wins here with its vast array of themes and plugins for customization, compared to Wix’s more limited options.
  5. SEO Friendliness: While both platforms offer SEO tools, WordPress.org’s flexibility allows for more tailored optimization.
  6. Security: Wix handles security, but WordPress.org requires proactive measures. This aspect might be a concern for those prioritizing security.
  7. Community and Support: WordPress.org benefits from a large community, offering extensive support and resources, whereas Wix provides dedicated support but fewer community-driven solutions.

Considering additional factors like e-commerce needs, mobile responsiveness, marketing tools, and growth potential further refine the decision-making process.

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Ultimately, the choice hinges on individual preferences, technical abilities, and the specific requirements of your website. Assessing each factor against your priorities will guide you toward the platform that best aligns with your needs.


Both WordPress and Wix have their strengths and are suitable for different types of users. Wix is ideal for beginners and users looking for a simple, all-in-one website builder, while WordPress is more suitable for users who need advanced customization and flexibility. Consider your specific needs and goals when choosing between the two platforms.

Comparison Table:

Feature Wix WordPress
Pricing Starts at $14/month Free (Hosting and domain costs apply)
Ease of Use User-friendly, drag-and-drop User-friendly, may have a learning curve
Customization Limited Extensive, thousands of themes and plugins
Blogging Built-in blogging features Powerful blogging features
E-Commerce Integrated e-commerce platform WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads
SEO & Marketing Basic SEO features Advanced SEO features, a wide range of plugins

FAQs-Wix vs WordPress

Should You Go with WordPress or Wix?

WordPress is a stronger platform than Wix in almost every way. While Wix has some nice features, such as a good UI and a cool drag-and-drop editor, we are not impressed with its platform. However, it is a decent service if you’re willing to upgrade your account a few levels.

Is Wix good for SEO?

Wix is good for SEO in the sense that it’s possible to build a top-ranking website on the platform. Google’s John Mueller has confirmed that Google does not treat pages differently based on the content management system (CMS) used.

Is AdSense free on Wix?

Yes, you can submit a free version of a Wix website to an AdSense account for monetization.

Is Wix free for blogging?

It’s completely free to start a blog with Wix. Plus, you’ll get access to a complete suite of blogging features including; blog title generator, SEO tools, design capabilities, managing and collaboration tools, and analytics.