10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

In the dynamic world of WordPress, website owners are constantly seeking ways to enhance user experience, improve SEO, and ensure seamless navigation. Redirects play a crucial role in achieving these goals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of redirects, their importance, and the best redirect plugins for WordPress to manage them effectively.

What are Redirects?

Redirects are a mechanism that sends visitors from one URL to another. This can be a permanent (301) or temporary (302) redirection, depending on the website’s needs. Redirects are essential for maintaining SEO value, fixing broken links, and ensuring a smooth transition during site migrations or URL changes.

Types of Redirects in WordPress:

WordPress offers several types of redirects, each serving a specific purpose:

301 Redirects:

    • Redirects visitors and search engines to a new URL permanently.
    • Useful for SEO as it transfers the link juice from the old URL to the new one.

302 Redirects:

    • Indicates a temporary move and does not transfer SEO value.
    • Suitable for short-term changes or testing.

Meta Refresh Redirects:

    • Redirects after a specified time delay.
    • Can be used for immediate redirection or displaying a message before redirecting.

Why Redirects are Important?

Redirects play a vital role in maintaining a healthy website. Here’s why they are essential:

SEO Improvement: Proper redirection helps preserve search engine rankings when URLs change. Avoids the negative impact of broken links on SEO.

Enhanced User Experience: Users are seamlessly guided to the correct content, reducing frustration. Prevents the infamous 404 error, making navigation smooth.

Link Juice Transfer: Permanent redirects (301) transfer the SEO value and authority from the old URL to the new one.

Site Restructuring: Facilitates changes in website structure, domain, or content organization.

Now, let’s explore the 10 best redirect plugins for WordPress.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress

1. Redirection

Redirection is a versatile and feature-rich WordPress plugin that simplifies the process of managing redirects on your website. This plugin is particularly valuable for handling URL changes, broken links, and optimizing user experience. With an intuitive interface, Redirection allows users to set up both permanent (301) and temporary (302) redirects effortlessly.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: Redirection is a free WordPress plugin available in the official WordPress Plugin Directory. There is no cost associated with using its core features.

Key Features:

  • Easy to Use: Redirection provides a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for beginners while offering advanced options for experienced users.
  • Conditional Redirects: Users can set up redirects based on various conditions, such as login status, browser type, or referrer.
  • Detailed Logs: The plugin keeps detailed logs of all redirects, helping users track and analyze the performance of their redirection strategy.
  • Import/Export Functionality: Redirection supports the import and export of redirect configurations, making it convenient for users managing multiple websites.
  • 404 Error Monitoring: The plugin monitors 404 errors on your site and allows you to set up redirects directly from the 404 error log.

Overall, Redirection is a powerful tool for efficiently managing redirects on your WordPress site, providing both simplicity for beginners and advanced features for experienced users.

2. Rank Math SEO

Rank Math SEO is a comprehensive SEO plugin that goes beyond traditional SEO functionalities by offering built-in redirection features. This plugin is known for its user-friendly interface and its ability to seamlessly integrate with WordPress sites, making it a popular choice among website owners and developers.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: Rank Math SEO offers a free version with essential features. Additionally, they have a premium version known as Rank Math PRO, which may include advanced features. Check the official website for the latest pricing details.

Key Features:

  • All-in-One SEO Solution: Rank Math SEO combines SEO optimization with redirect management, offering a centralized solution for website enhancement.
  • Smart Redirection Manager: The plugin’s redirection manager allows users to set up and manage redirects directly from the WordPress dashboard.
  • Intelligent SEO Analysis: Rank Math SEO provides in-depth SEO analysis, helping users understand how redirects impact their overall SEO strategy.
  • Google Analytics Integration: The plugin integrates with Google Analytics, providing users with valuable insights into website traffic and performance.
  • Schema Markup: Rank Math SEO includes advanced schema markup features, contributing to better search engine visibility.

With its seamless integration of SEO and redirection capabilities, Rank Math SEO is a powerful tool for website owners looking to optimize their online presence.

3. LoginWP (Formerly Peter’s Login Redirect)

LoginWP, formerly known as Peter’s Login Redirect, focuses on enhancing the user experience by allowing website owners to customize the redirection behavior after a user logs in. This plugin is particularly useful for creating a personalized and efficient user journey based on user roles and capabilities.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: LoginWP (formerly Peter’s Login Redirect) is a free plugin available in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Users can access its features without any additional cost.

Key Features:

  • Role-Based Redirects: LoginWP enables administrators to set up different redirect rules for various user roles, ensuring a tailored experience for each user group.
  • Flexible Redirect Options: The plugin offers flexibility in choosing where users are redirected after login, whether it’s a specific page, post, or custom URL.
  • Redirect Based on Capabilities: Website administrators can set up redirects based on user capabilities, providing a granular level of control over the redirection process.
  • User-Friendly Interface: LoginWP features a straightforward and user-friendly interface, making it easy for administrators to configure redirection rules without technical complications.
  • Compatibility: The plugin is designed to work seamlessly with various WordPress themes and plugins, ensuring compatibility with different website setups.

LoginWP is an excellent choice for website owners who prioritize creating a customized and user-friendly experience for their visitors based on user roles and capabilities.

4. Safe Redirect Manager

Safe Redirect Manager is a simple yet powerful WordPress plugin designed to facilitate the creation and management of redirects on your website. It offers a straightforward interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: Safe Redirect Manager is a free WordPress plugin, and its core features are available without any charges.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive User Interface: Safe Redirect Manager features a clean and intuitive interface, allowing users to set up redirects without the need for complex configurations.
  • Wildcard Redirects: The plugin supports wildcard redirects, enabling users to redirect entire groups of URLs with a single rule.
  • HTTP Status Codes: Users can choose between different HTTP status codes, including 301 (permanent) and 302 (temporary), based on their specific redirection needs.
  • Regular Expression Support: For users with more advanced requirements, Safe Redirect Manager supports regular expressions, providing a flexible approach to setting up redirects.
  • Performance Optimization: The plugin is designed for optimal performance, ensuring that redirects are processed efficiently without causing delays in page loading.

Safe Redirect Manager is an excellent choice for users seeking a straightforward and reliable solution for managing redirects on their WordPress site.

5. 301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager

301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager is a dedicated plugin for handling 301 redirects, making it an ideal choice for users looking to manage URL changes and preserve SEO value. This plugin simplifies the process of setting up and managing 301 redirects with a user-friendly interface.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: 301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager is a free plugin. Users can utilize its primary features without incurring any expenses.

Key Features:

  • Simplified 301 Redirects: The plugin focuses specifically on 301 redirects, streamlining the process for users who need a straightforward solution.
  • Bulk Redirects: Users can set up multiple redirects simultaneously using the bulk redirect feature, saving time and effort.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The plugin provides an intuitive interface, making it easy for users, regardless of their technical expertise, to manage redirects effectively.
  • Wildcard Redirects: 301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager supports wildcard redirects, allowing users to redirect entire groups of URLs with ease.
  • Detailed Redirect Logs: Users can view detailed logs of all redirects, helping them monitor the performance of their redirection strategy.

For website owners focused on implementing 301 redirects with simplicity and efficiency, 301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager is a valuable tool.

6. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a popular and widely used SEO plugin for WordPress, and it also includes robust redirect features. Known for its comprehensive SEO capabilities, Yoast SEO is an all-in-one solution for website optimization.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: Yoast SEO is a freemium plugin. The basic features are available for free, while there is also a premium version, Yoast SEO Premium, which includes advanced functionalities. Check the official website for premium pricing details.

Key Features:

  • SEO Optimization: Yoast SEO provides advanced SEO optimization features, helping users improve their website’s visibility in search engine results.
  • Redirect Manager: The plugin includes a powerful redirect manager, allowing users to set up and manage redirects without the need for additional plugins.
  • Breadcrumbs Navigation: Yoast SEO facilitates the implementation of breadcrumbs navigation, enhancing the user experience and SEO.
  • Content Analysis: The plugin offers in-depth content analysis, providing actionable insights for optimizing individual pages and posts.
  • XML Sitemap Functionality: Yoast SEO generates XML sitemaps automatically, aiding search engines in crawling and indexing website content efficiently.

Yoast SEO is a comprehensive solution for website owners looking to enhance both their SEO strategy and redirect management in a single plugin.

7. Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL)

Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL) is a specialized plugin designed to ensure secure connections on your WordPress website by redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS. This is crucial for maintaining a secure and SEO-friendly online environment.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL) is a free WordPress plugin. Users can implement HTTPS redirection without any additional costs.

Key Features:

  • Automatic SSL Redirection: The plugin automatically redirects HTTP traffic to the secure HTTPS version, ensuring a secure browsing experience for visitors.
  • SEO Benefits: HTTPS is a ranking factor for search engines, and this plugin aids in achieving better SEO rankings by enforcing secure connections.
  • Flexible Configuration: Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL) offers a simple and flexible configuration, making it easy for users to implement SSL redirection without technical complexities.
  • Mixed Content Handling: The plugin helps address mixed content issues that may arise.

8. Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks

Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks is a user-friendly WordPress plugin designed for the specific purpose of managing 301 redirects effortlessly. This plugin is an excellent choice for users seeking a straightforward solution to handle URL changes and maintain SEO value during website transitions.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks is a free WordPress plugin, and its core features can be accessed without payment.

Key Features:

  • Easy Setup: The plugin lives up to its name by offering a simple and intuitive interface for setting up 301 redirects. Users can quickly redirect old URLs to new destinations without any technical hassles.
  • Bulk Redirects: Simple 301 Redirects supports bulk redirects, allowing users to manage multiple redirections simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful during website migrations or large-scale URL changes.
  • No Complex Settings: With a focus on simplicity, the plugin avoids unnecessary complexities. Users can efficiently manage their redirects without being overwhelmed by an abundance of settings.
  • Wildcard Support: Simple 301 Redirects provides wildcard support, enabling users to redirect entire groups of URLs based on a common pattern. This flexibility is valuable for handling various redirection scenarios.
  • Clear Redirect Logs: The plugin maintains clear logs of all redirects, helping users track and review the performance of their redirection strategy over time.

Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks is an ideal choice for website owners who prioritize simplicity and efficiency when managing 301 redirects on their WordPress sites.

9. Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker is a versatile and essential plugin for WordPress users who want to ensure a smooth and error-free browsing experience for their visitors. Beyond managing redirects, this plugin actively monitors and detects broken links on your website, helping maintain a healthy and user-friendly online environment.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: Broken Link Checker is a free plugin available in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Users can utilize its link monitoring and management features without any charges.

Key Features:

  • Automatic Link Monitoring: Broken Link Checker continuously scans your website for broken links, ensuring that you are promptly notified of any issues that may arise.
  • Customizable Link Status: The plugin provides customizable options for handling broken links, allowing users to choose whether to display them differently or prevent search engines from following them.
  • Bulk Link Editing: Users can perform bulk actions on detected broken links, saving time and effort in the maintenance and cleanup process.
  • Notification Options: Broken Link Checker offers various notification options, including email notifications and dashboard alerts, keeping users informed about the status of their links.
  • Prevention of Negative SEO Impact: By proactively identifying and fixing broken links, the plugin helps prevent negative SEO implications and contributes to a positive user experience.

Broken Link Checker is a valuable addition to any WordPress site, offering proactive link management to ensure a seamless browsing experience for visitors.

10. Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin

The Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin is a versatile tool designed to facilitate easy and efficient redirection of individual pages or posts on your WordPress site. This plugin is particularly useful when you need to redirect specific content without implementing site-wide redirects.

10 Best Redirect Plugins For WordPress [FREE]

Pricing: Free

Key Features:

  • Page/Post-Level Redirects: The plugin allows users to set up redirects on a per-page or per-post basis, providing a granular level of control over the redirection strategy.
  • Multiple Redirect Options: Users can choose from various redirect options, including 301 and 302 redirects, as well as meta refresh redirects. This flexibility caters to different redirection scenarios.
  • Wildcard Redirects: Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin supports wildcard redirects, enabling users to redirect multiple pages or posts that share a common pattern.
  • Redirect Type Customization: Users have the flexibility to choose the type of redirect for each page or post, ensuring that the redirection aligns with their specific goals and needs.
  • Simple Interface: The plugin offers a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users with varying levels of technical expertise to manage redirects at the page and post level.

For users seeking a solution to manage redirects at the individual content level, the Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin is a valuable and efficient tool in the WordPress ecosystem.


Choosing the right WordPress redirect plugin is crucial for seamless navigation and optimal SEO. Each plugin, from the robust Redirection to the SEO-centric Rank Math and user-friendly Quick Page/Post Redirect, offers unique strengths. Consider your specific needs, user-friendliness, and potential premium features. Implementing the most suitable plugin ensures a smooth visitor experience and contributes to your website’s overall health and performance. Stay informed about plugin updates, and select the one that best aligns with your site’s objectives.


What is the best URL redirect?

In most instances, the 301 redirect is the best method for implementing redirects on a website.

What is the IP redirect plugin for WordPress?

It is a very simple yet powerful redirection plugin that helps you to manage all your website redirects including 301 & 302 redirection. 

What is the redirect limit in WordPress?

 The maximum number of redirects is 1,000.

What is the plugin for Shorten URL?

URL Shortify is a killer plugin for people who want to clean up their affiliate links, track clicks from emails, their links on Twitter to come from their domain, or generally increase the reach of their website by spreading these links on forums or comments on other blogs.