How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library

How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily

Managing a WordPress website involves handling a plethora of media files, especially images. Whether you need to back up your media library, migrate your website, or simply want a local copy of your images, knowing how to download images from WordPress media library is essential. In this blog post, we’ll explore four different methods and learn How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily.

How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library-4 Ways

Downloading images from WordPress Media Library is an effortless task. Here I’ll describe four easy ways to do so which are as follows:

  1. Downloading Images Manually via WordPress Dashboard
  2. Using Bulk Attachment Download Plugin
  3. Downloading Media Library Images via FTP
  4. Downloading Original Images via Website Image Downloader Tool/Extension

1. Downloading Images Manually via WordPress Dashboard

If you prefer a straightforward approach, manually downloading images via the WordPress Dashboard might be the way to go. Here’s a step-by-step process to follow:

    • Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
    • Navigate to “Media” in the sidebar and click “Library.”  How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily
    • Browse through your media library and locate the image you want to download.
    • Click on the desired image, and a media details window will appear.
    • In the bottom right corner of the window, click the “Download” button or right click on the image and click on “Save Image ..”. How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily
    • Your browser will prompt you to save the image to your preferred location on your device.

2. Using Bulk Attachment Download Plugin

If you have a substantial number of images to download, the Bulk Attachment Download plugin can save you a considerable amount of time. Here’s how to use it:

    • Install and activate the “Bulk Attachment Download” plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory. How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily
    • Go to “Media” in the dashboard and select “Bulk Download.”
    • Choose the media items you want to download or select all items.
    • Click the “Download” button, and a ZIP file containing the selected images will be generated.How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily
    • Download the ZIP file to your local machine.

How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily

Additional Reading:

How to Use WordPress Recovery Mode?

How to Change WordPress Login URL

3. Downloading Media Library Images via FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

For more technical users who are comfortable with FTP, this method provides direct access to your server’s files:

    • Access your website’s hosting account using an FTP client (e.g., FileZilla). How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily
    • Navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation.
    • Locate the “wp-content” folder and within it, find the “uploads” folder. How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily
    • Inside the “uploads” folder, you’ll find subfolders organized by year and month.
    • Navigate to the appropriate folder that contains the image you wish to download.
    • Locate the image file and download it to your local machine. How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily

4. Downloading Original Images via Website Image Downloader Tool/Extension

If you’d rather automate the image-downloading process, you can use browser extensions or online tools designed for this purpose:

    • Install a website image downloader extension for your browser. How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily
    • Navigate to your WordPress media library using your browser.
    • Use the extension to scan the page and identify the images.
    • Select the images you want to download.
    • Initiate the download process through the extension, and it will fetch and save the images to your computer.      How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library Easily


Whether you’re a novice WordPress user or a seasoned developer, having multiple methods to download images from the media library gives you flexibility and convenience. Choose the approach that best suits your needs and technical comfort level. From manual downloads within the dashboard to using dedicated plugins, FTP, or browser extensions, these methods will empower you to effectively manage and retrieve your precious media assets.

FAQs(How to Download Images from WordPress Media Library)

1. Why would I need to download images from my WordPress media library?

There are several reasons for downloading images from your WordPress media library. You might want to create backups, migrate your website, or use the images offline for design purposes. Having local copies of your images can also be useful in case of any server or website issues.

2. Can I download images individually without using any plugins or tools?

Yes, you can download images individually from the WordPress Dashboard. Simply locate the image in the Media Library, open its details, and click the “Download” button at the bottom right corner of the window. Your browser will prompt you to save the image.

3. How can I download multiple images at once?

To download multiple images at once, you can use the “Bulk Attachment Download” plugin. Install and activate the plugin, then select the images you want to download and generate a ZIP file containing all the selected images. Alternatively, you can use an image downloader tool or extension to automate the process.

4. Is using FTP a complex method to download images?

Using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) might seem technical, but it provides direct access to your server’s files. If you’re comfortable with FTP or willing to learn, it can be an efficient way to download images. However, if you’re unfamiliar with FTP, other methods like plugins or browser extensions might be simpler.

5. Can I download images from the media library using a browser extension?

Yes, you can use browser extensions designed explicitly for image downloading. These extensions scan the page, identify the images, and allow you to select and download them. They offer a more automated approach compared to manual or FTP methods.

6. Are these methods suitable for both beginners and experienced users?

Yes, the methods discussed cater to various user levels. Beginners can easily use the manual download option via the WordPress Dashboard or opt for plugins or extensions to simplify the process. Experienced users might prefer the FTP method for direct access or leverage their technical skills for more advanced solutions.

7. Will downloading images affect my website’s performance?

No, downloading images from your media library won’t impact your website’s performance. The downloaded images are copies stored on your local machine, and the original images remain on your server. Make sure not to delete or modify any files on your server during the downloading process to avoid unintended consequences.

8. Can I download images from a password-protected WordPress site?

In most cases, downloading images from a password-protected WordPress site follows similar methods as described above. However, some security configurations might restrict access to certain files. If you face any issues, it’s advisable to consult with your website administrator or hosting provider.

9. Are there any risks associated with downloading images using plugins or extensions?

Generally, reputable plugins and extensions from trusted sources pose minimal risks. However, it’s essential to research and chooses well-reviewed options to avoid security vulnerabilities. Always keep your plugins and extensions updated to ensure a secure browsing experience.

10. Can I download images in their original quality and format?

Yes, the methods discussed allow you to download images in their original quality and format. Whether you download them manually, through a plugin, via FTP, or using an extension, you’ll receive the images exactly as they are stored in your WordPress media library