How to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

How to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

Your website is a canvas to express your ideas, products, and stories. Every element on it speaks volumes about your brand’s identity. One such essential element is the text block – a vessel for your words. But what if you could do more? What if you could not just convey your message through words but also through the colors that surround them? This is where changing the background color of your text block comes into play, adding an emotional layer to your content presentation. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Squarespace and guide you through various methods of how to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace.

Why You Might Want to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

Colors evoke emotions, and set moods, and can significantly impact how your content is perceived. Changing the background color of your text blocks can emphasize your message, create a visual hierarchy, and provide a more immersive experience. Whether you want to highlight a special offer, distinguish quotes, or simply add a dash of vibrancy, altering the text block background color can be a powerful tool in your web design arsenal.

1) Change Squarespace Text Block Background Color With CSS Code

Step 1: Adding a Text Block

Begin by logging into your Squarespace account and navigating to the page where you wish to make changes. Add a text block by selecting the ‘Edit‘ option and then choosing ‘Insert Point‘ to create a new block. How to Change Background Color of Text Block SquarespaceHow to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

Step 2: Finding Text Block ID

To change the background color using CSS, you’ll need to identify the unique ID of the text block. Right-click on the text block, select ‘Inspect,‘ and search for the ‘id‘ attribute in the HTML code.How to Change Background Color of Text Block SquarespaceHow to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace How to Change Background Color of Text Block SquarespaceHow to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

This ID will be used to target the specific text block with CSS.

Step 3: Adding CSS Code to Text Block

Go to the ‘Design’ section of your Squarespace dashboard and open the ‘Custom CSS‘ editor. How to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace Input the CSS code that targets the text block’s ID and sets the desired background color. For example:

background-color: green;

How to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

Easy Custom HTML for Text Block Backgrounds in Squarespace

You can give your text blocks a snazzy background color without needing any fancy tech skills. Let’s jump right in and learn how to use easy Custom HTML code in Squarespace.

  • First things first, go to the page on your Squarespace website where you want to add some colorful magic to a text block.
  • Look at the top left corner of your page. See the button that says “+Add Block“? Click on it.
  • From the options that appear, choose the “Code” block. Think of it like picking a colorful marker from a box.
  • How to Change Background Color of Text Block SquarespaceDon’t worry, this code stuff isn’t tricky. It’s like a secret recipe for making colors happen.
  • Copy and paste this code into the block:
<div class="bg-color">
<h2>Type your Content in here</h2>

.bg-color {  
background: orange;  
padding: 10px;  
text-align: center; 

How to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

  • See where it says “background-color:”? That’s where the fun starts! You’re picking a cool color like you do when choosing a cool T-shirt.
  • Inside the code, you’ll see “type your content in here.” Replace that with your actual words. Think of it like decorating your cool T-shirt with your favorite stickers.
  • Ta-Da, You’re a Pro! Click the save button, and guess what? Your text block now has a fantastic background color. It’s like putting up a colorful backdrop for your words to shine.

Add Background Color to Text Block in Squarespace With an Image

An alternative method for altering the background color of a text box involves incorporating a background image into the text box itself. To achieve this, it’s necessary to generate an image featuring the desired background color intended for the text box. The creation of such a background image can be accomplished using platforms like Canva, Adobe, or similar alternatives.

Once the background image is prepared, the subsequent step involves integrating it into the background of the text block.

  • To implement this method, generate an image with the preferred text box background color, which can be done on platforms like Canva or Adobe.
  • Once the background image is ready, integrate it into the text block’s background by using the +Add Block toolbar.
  • Edit the added image block by clicking on it.
  • Upload the prepared background image to the image block.
  • How to Change Background Color of Text Block SquarespaceIf the background image appears partially cropped, access the Design tab while editing the image block.
  • Within the Design tab, adjust the image fit option to “fill” to ensure complete coverageHow to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace
  • Begin by dragging the image block and placing it over the text block.
  • Subsequently, select the image block and locate the Move Backward icon.How to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace
  • Click on the Move Backward icon, which will shift the image block to a position behind the text.

As a result, the text block will acquire the image block as a background, effectively generating a background color for the text. How to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

Tips for Choosing Background Colors:

Contrast: Ensure that the background color contrasts well with the text color for readability.

Branding: Use colors that align with your brand’s color scheme.

Consistency: Maintain consistency in your color choices across different pages and elements of your site.

making text blocks colorful using shapes

The ultimate method for altering the background color of a text block in Squarespace involves employing a shape block. Begin by navigating to the section of your text block, and then introduce a shape block using the +Add block toolbar.How to Change Background Color of Text Block SquarespaceHow to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

After its insertion, place the shape block onto your text block and adjust its dimensions to align with the text block’s size. Subsequently, modify the shape’s color by accessing its editing options.

How to Change Background Color of Text Block Squarespace

Alter the background color of an entire section in Squarespace

To alter the background color of an entire section in Squarespace, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Log in to your Squarespace account and access your website’s editor.
  2. Navigate to the specific section you want to modify the background color for.
  3. Click on the section to select it; this action should reveal settings associated with that section.
  4. Look for the “Design” or “Style” options linked to the selected section.
  5. Within the design settings, locate the setting related to the background color. This may be labeled as “Background Color” or something similar.
  6. Click on the color swatch or color picker tool to bring up the color selection palette.
  7. Choose your preferred background color from the available palette or input the precise color code if you have one.
  8. Preview the changes to see how the new background color affects the entire section.
  9. Once you’re content with the new background color, make sure to save your modifications.

It’s important to note that the exact steps and terminology could vary depending on the Squarespace version and template you’re using. If you encounter any challenges, you can consult Squarespace’s official resources or seek assistance from their support team for more specific guidance.

Altering the Background Color of a Single Page on Squarespace

To modify the background color of just one page on your Squarespace site, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Squarespace account and navigate to the page you wish to modify.
  2. Click on the icon for ‘Page Settings.’
  3. Within the ‘Page Settings’ menu, choose the ‘Advanced‘ tab.
  4. Insert the provided CSS code in the Advanced tab and save your updates.
    .Main {
    background-color: Your_color_code !important;


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FAQs: How to Change Background Color of Text Block in Squarespace

Can I use a custom background color for the text block?

Yes, you can use a custom background color for the text block. Most Squarespace templates offer the option to choose from a range of pre-defined colors or to input a custom color code using a color picker or by entering the HEX or RGB color code directly.

What if I want the background color to be transparent or have no color at all?

If you want the background color of the text block to be transparent or have no color, you can often set the background color to a transparent or clear option. This is usually represented by a checkered or empty box in the color picker, indicating that there’s no color applied to the background.

Will changing the background color affect the text’s readability?

Yes, changing the background color can affect text readability. It’s important to choose a background color that provides sufficient contrast with the text color to ensure that the text remains easy to read. For example, dark text on a light background or light text on a dark background usually offers good readability.

Can I change the background color of individual paragraphs within the text block?

In most cases, the background color you set will apply to the entire text block rather than individual paragraphs. If you need different background colors for different paragraphs, you might need to use additional custom code or consider using alternative methods like image blocks with colored backgrounds.