How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

Tired of the back-and-forth between FTP clients and cPanel when dealing with your WordPress site? It can feel like a circus act! But fear not, we’ve got a solution that’ll make file management a breeze. Say hello to adding an FTP-like file manager to your WordPress admin dashboard. No more juggling, just smooth sailing. Sounds good, right? Say goodbye to confusion and hello to file management superpowers with our guide on How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of effortlessly incorporating an FTP-like file manager directly into your WordPress dashboard. Let’s ditch the confusion and get started!

Why Consider an FTP-Like File Manager in WordPress?

When it comes to secure file transfers in WordPress, using an FTP client supporting SSH or SFTP protocols is the standard recommendation. However, situations may arise where access to FTP or your web hosting provider’s cPanel is limited, especially in multi-author WordPress blogs with restricted permissions.
In such scenarios, a file manager becomes indispensable, providing a web-based solution for editing, previewing, uploading, and downloading WordPress configuration files and more—a functionality akin to an FTP client within the WordPress admin dashboard.

Comparison Between FTP and FTP-Like File Managers

Feature FTP FTP-Like File Manager
Interface Command-line or basic GUI Advanced graphical user interface (GUI)
Ease of Use Moderate to difficult; requires familiarity with command-line operations or basic GUIs Easy; designed for intuitive navigation and file management
Protocols Supported Primarily FTP; some clients support SFTP/FTPS Supports multiple protocols such as FTP, SFTP, FTPS, and cloud storage services
Integration with Tools Limited; primarily focused on file transfer Extensive; often includes built-in text editors, image viewers, and integration with other applications
User Management Basic; typically only involves setting up usernames and passwords Advanced; includes features for managing user permissions, roles, and access controls within the application
Automation and Scheduling Limited; some clients may offer basic scripting capabilities Extensive; supports automated tasks, scheduled file transfers, and synchronization features
Use Cases Direct server access for tasks such as uploading/downloading files, performing backups, and managing website content Enhanced file management, seamless integration with cloud services, easy file transfers for non-technical users
Pros Robust and well-established protocol; provides direct access to server files; widely supported across different platforms User-friendly and visually intuitive; supports multiple protocols and services; offers additional features and tools for comprehensive file management
Cons Steeper learning curve, especially for beginners; less user-friendly compared to graphical interfaces May require more system resources than basic FTP clients; and can be less flexible for advanced command-line operations

If you want to know more kindly visit our separate guides on FTP Client and How to Use FTP to upload files.

How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

Using the File Manager Plugin

The most straightforward way to integrate an FTP-like file manager is through the File Manager plugin. This tool offers a user-friendly interface for editing files on a remote server, making the process hassle-free.

Step 1: Install and Activate the File Manager Plugin

Begin by installing and activating the File Manager plugin.

Step 2: Accessing WP File Manager

Upon activation, locate the new WP File Manager option in the WordPress sidebar. Click on it to open the file manager application, revealing all your WordPress files and folders. How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

Step 3: Utilizing the File Manager Toolbar

Above the files, a toolbar akin to settings in an FTP client will appear. This toolbar encompasses all the necessary features for previewing, editing, uploading, downloading, and deleting files or folders. How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

Step 4: Navigating File and Folder Operations

To interact with a file or folder, simply click on it and choose your desired action from the File Manager toolbar. If you are accustomed to FTP clients, you’ll find the folder operations to work similarly. How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

Step 5: Editing Files and Folders

To edit a file on your WordPress blog, click on the ‘Edit file‘ button. This will open the file in a new window, allowing you to make necessary changes. How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

Step 6: Previewing Files

For a quick preview of a file’s contents, click on the ‘Preview‘ button—an eye icon in the toolbar. How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

Step 7: Uploading Files

To streamline media file uploads, navigate to the ‘wp-content » uploads‘ folder and click on the ‘Upload Files‘ button. You can also upload and extract zip files directly within the file manager. How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

By following these steps, you’ve successfully added an FTP-like file manager to your WordPress site, enhancing your ability to manage files efficiently.

Tips and Best Practices for Adding an FTP-like File Manager in WordPress

Tip Description
Choose a Reliable Plugin Select a reputable file manager plugin with positive reviews and regular updates.
Ensure Compatibility Verify that the chosen plugin is compatible with your WordPress version and other plugins.
Backup Your Files Before making any changes, create a backup of your WordPress files to avoid data loss.
Familiarize Yourself Take the time to explore the features and functionalities of the file manager plugin thoroughly.
Test in a Staging Environment Experiment with the file manager in a staging environment before implementing it on your live site.
Set User Permissions Configure user permissions carefully to restrict access to the file manager to authorized users only.
Keep Plugins Updated Regularly update the file manager plugin to ensure compatibility and security fixes.
Monitor File Changes Keep track of any changes made to your WordPress files using the file manager’s auditing features.
Be Cautious with Editing Exercise caution when editing files directly from the file manager to avoid unintended errors.
Seek Support When Needed Don’t hesitate to reach out to the plugin developer or WordPress community for assistance or guidance.


Managing files in WordPress can now be effortless with the addition of an FTP-like file manager directly in your admin dashboard. By using the File Manager plugin, you can easily edit, preview, upload, and download files with a user-friendly interface. Say goodbye to the back-and-forth between FTP clients and cPanel – with this solution, file management becomes a breeze. So, simplify your workflow and gain file management superpowers in WordPress today!

FAQs-How to add an FTP like File Manager in WordPress

What is the File Manager in WordPress FTP?

A WordPress file manager is a plugin that enables users to perform file management tasks from the WordPress dashboard. Instead of logging in to your control panel or File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client, you can access the WordPress website files from a single location.

Is it safe to use FTP Manager?

The answer is generally no, as FTP doesn’t provide the necessary security measures like encryption and strong authentication.

Where is FTP details in cPanel?

You can easily find your FTP details by opening your cPanel and clicking on FTP Accounts: If you created an FTP account before in the FTP Accounts section you will see presented with these buttons: Button to change FTP account password.

What is the FTP file size limit for cPanel?

The upload filesize within the File Manager in Cpanel, is up to 2GB. If you need to upload larger files than 2GB, use FTP or SSH.